quarta-feira, 9 de abril de 2008

EUROPAN 9 (Parte I)

Chegou a hora de expor, em três partes, a nossa participação no concurso do Europan 9, em Odivelas. Espero que participem na discussão da proposta.

Parte I - Introdução (em inglês)

"The challenges that we have today aren’t just about answering a question, goal or program, but in which ways can we respond to a subject and at the same time achieve the most integrated and complex urban and ecological system in sustainable terms. If we want to reinforce the social and human capital by delivering new and qualified public spaces, we have to achieve ecological and economical balance, so that that same investment, in people and in cities, holds for longer years.

Our proposal aims at bringing people together, by exposing the “social” households to the community in a new “upgrated” environment. This way, opportunity and good design will bring people together. Common interests and spaces will be shared, as they are in opens green spaces, in new squares in the commercial area, or in the public strip of the new constructions. Intimacy and social identity are promoted by different events in small public areas that confine and aggregate the PER buildings.

New public spaces should be rich in establishing different relationships with their users, land uses, as well as they should be sustainable and didactic.

The proposal is based on good practice, where there will be implemented urban BMP´s for stormwater, bioclimatic buildings and where the natural environment prevails over infrastructures.

Its an act of faith, renouncing the image that people try to attribute to “social” households and to believe in the strength they have to care about their environment and integrate. People live in cities, but cities make people

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